Now you have everything setup, you can run this program, open a command prompt or terminal at the project folder location and paste the below command.
#Yahoo bouncing balls game install
It comes pre-installed with python setup so you don’t have to manually install itīut if you get any errors like the tkinter module not found, then use the below command in the terminal to install the tkinter module. We have used the tkinter module to create this game. Copy and paste the bouncing ball game code.Open it in a code editor of your choice.Create a new folder for this game project.To run this program on your computer, follow the below steps: M=canvas.create_text(250, 250, text="PAUSE!!", fill="green", font="Consolas 24 ")Ĭanvas.create_text(250, 250, text="Press Enter to start Game!!", fill="red", font="Consolas 18")Ībove is the python code for bouncing ball game. "light steel blue", "dark khaki", "pale violet red", "orchid", "tan", "MistyRose2", = canvas.create_oval(5, 5, 25, 25, fill=color, width=2)īRICK_COLOR = ["PeachPuff3", "dark slate gray", "rosy brown", "light goldenrod yellow", "turquoise3", "salmon", = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10, fill=color) If pos >= brick_pos and pos = brick_pos and pos = paddle_pos and pos = paddle_pos and pos = self.canvas_height: Self.canvas_height = canvas.winfo_height() Score = Label(height=50, width=80, text="Score: 00", font="Consolas 14 bold")ĭef _init_(self, canvas, color, paddle, bricks, score): I will show you everything and provide you with the bouncing ball game code in python, so read till the end.Ĭanvas = Canvas(root, width=500, height=500, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, highlightbackground="Red", bg="Black") We will create this bouncing ball program in python with the tkinter library. The ball hits them and comes at the ground and you have to move the ground plane where the ball will land, if you miss it then game over. In this game, there are several ball-like shaped things at the top.
#Yahoo bouncing balls game how to
In this python tutorial, I will show you how to create bouncing ball game in python with source code. Looking for a way to create a bouncing ball game using python, then you are at the right place today.